TEFLIN Sumatera Selatan, Jambi dan Bangka Belitung Chapter

TEFLIN Sumatera Selatan, Jambi dan Bangka Belitung Chapter2025-01-12T23:21:10+07:00

Thank you for your interest in the Southern Regional Sumatra Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (SRS-TEFLIN) or Sumatra Selatan TEFLIN Chapter. On behalf of SRS-TEFLIN, I welcome and encourage you to discover more about our programs where you can find a learning community that supports your growth as an English teacher or a prospective English teacher. As a chapter, we have online gatherings and annual conference and workshop that vary in content. For those of you who crave for new information and meaningful learning experiences, we have planned various activities with presenters who will share the state of the arts in English language teaching and current research in the field. These activities will also facilitate discussions on various topics among the members throughout the year.
Our mission is to help each other become better language teachers. If that sounds like something you can get on board with, please feel free to attend our meetings and consider becoming a member of SRS-TEFLIN. You can register yourself to TEFLIN membership here and you will automatically become the member of SRS-TEFLIN.
If you’d like more information, please contact ssilvhiany@unsri.ac.id. You may also visit our website and YouTube channel and follow us on our Instagram @srsteflinofficial.

Hope to see you in the future,

Sary Silvhiany, M.Pd., M.A., Ph.D.
Coordinator, Sumatera Selatan Chapter


Webinar: “Education amidst Pandemic Disruption: In Search of Effective Pedagogies”

SRS-TEFLIN (TEFLIN Sumatra Selatan Chapter) has successfully hosted its 1st webinar series with the theme “Education amidst Pandemic Disruption: In Search of Effective Pedagogies”.

The 3rd SRS-TEFLIN WEBINAR: “Doing ELT Research and Publication in the ‘New Normal’: Opportunities and Challenges”

SRS-TEFLIN has successfully hosted the webinar on Saturday, September 5, 2020. It focused on the theme “Doing ELT Research and Publication in the 'New Normal': Opportunities and Challenges”.

Teachers’ Writing Group, TEFLIN Sumatera Selatan Chapter

TEFLIN Sumatera Selatan Chapter initiated a Teachers’ Writing Group as part of the teacher development program. This ongoing project is aimed at creating a sustainable teacher study group, a community for teachers at all level of professional career including pre-service teachers and veteran teachers, to engage in professional learning. The first writing project the members are currently writing is memoir. Memoir serves as a reflective space for teachers and prospective teachers to make meaning of their personal experiences which affect their decision making in relation to their professionalism or becoming a professional teacher.

Laporan Kegiatan Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Pembuatan Buku Berjenjang berbasis Ecological Sustainability Bagi Guru SD dan SMP di Musi Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan

Korwil Sumatera Bagaian Selatan melakukan kegiatan workshop bertajuk Pelatihan Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Pembuatan Buku Berjenjang berbasis Ecological Sustainability Bagi Guru SD dan SMP di Musi Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan untuk Mengintegrasikan Ecological Sustainability dalam Pembelajaran.

Language Education Research Conference and Expo (LERCE)

Magister of Languge Education FKIP UNSRI proudly present "Language Education Research Conference & Expo (LERCE): Language Education for Sustainable Development Goals"

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KATE Conference 2022

Sary Silvhiany, Ph.D., coordinator of TEFLIN South Sumatera Chapter represented TEFLIN to give a featured speech at Korean Association of Teachers of English hybrid international conference. The conference raised a theme of Pursuing Professional Excellence in ELT: Connecting Theory and Practice in the Multi-Literacy Era and was hosted by Gyeongsang National University. This hybrid conference was held in June 30th to July 2nd, 2022. In her featured presentation, Dr. Silvhiany raised issues of climate change and invited conference participants to think about how EFL teacher education could make contribution in interdisciplinary effort to mitigate the impacts of climate change through

2nd Language Education Research Conference & Expo 2024 — Event Report

TEFLIN Korwil Sumatra Bagain Selatan mengadakan Language Education Research Conference dan Expo pada tanggal 16, 23, dan 30 November 2024.

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