Sary Silvhiany, Ph.D., coordinator of TEFLIN South Sumatera Chapter represented TEFLIN to give a featured speech at Korean Association of Teachers of English hybrid international conference. The conference raised a theme of Pursuing Professional Excellence in ELT: Connecting Theory and Practice in the Multi-Literacy Era and was hosted by Gyeongsang National University. This hybrid conference was held in June 30th to July 2nd, 2022.

In her featured presentation, Dr. Silvhiany raised issues of climate change and invited conference participants to think about how EFL teacher education could make contribution in interdisciplinary effort to mitigate the impacts of climate change through climate change education. Using her classroom ethnographic research data from a creative writing course, Dr. Silvhiany showed how to integrate climate change issues in EFL learning to foster students’ awareness of climate change and its sociocultural impacts in people’s lives.