TEFLIN Nusa Tenggara Timur Chapter

TEFLIN Nusa Tenggara Timur Chapter2025-02-20T00:38:49+07:00

Warm greetings from East Nusa Tenggara!

ELT is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s also about promoting change. We have a strong commitment to collaborating with ELT instructors and other stakeholders to not only pique their interest but also to fan the flames of exploration in perspectives both locally and internationally. The purpose of our webinars, workshops, and seminars is to bring together ELT teachers to discuss important topics that the region finds necessary. Even though we are only starting out with the TEFLIN Professional Association this year, we envision to expand our professional networks.

Notwithstanding the difficulties we have in our education and ELT, our contribution to the region is the greatest gesture of hope. Through the networking we establish, we want to promote a passion of learning in ELT teachers in the area and beyond, and we inspire hope through our activities. As the Proverbs says “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small”. Henry Brooks Adams also mentions “Teachers affect eternity, no one can tell when their influence stops”. Thus TEFLIN NTT Chapter is to immerse itself in the influence to others and ELT teachers with small steps but with continuous efforts that never fail. Let’s be of our networking.

Dr. Peggy Magdalena Jonathans
Coordinator, Nusa Tenggara Timur Chapter


Workshop on Improving the Competency of English Teachers

On Tuesday, November 12, 2024, a "Workshop on Improving the Competency of English Teachers," themed "Adapting the Independent Curriculum for Schools in Island and Rural Areas," was held.

Webinar: Teacher Professional Development held by Bali, NTB, and NTT Chapter

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The Power of Extensive Reading and Listening: A Public Lecture

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EMI Dissemination Workshop organized by TEFLIN Bali, NTB and NTT Chapter

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