Get a Free EnglishScore Certificate! (for TEFLIN members only)
TEFLIN and British Council EnglishScore are proud to announce that all TEFLIN members this year will be eligible for a free Professional Certificate from EnglishScore.
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20th AsiaTEFL, 68th TEFLIN, and 5th iNELTAL
The 2022 Conference, organized and hosted by Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia, is a joint conference of 20th AsiaTEFL, 68th TEFLIN, and 5th iNELTAL. This year's conference theme is “Hindsight, Insight, and Foresight in ELT in Multilingual Asia”. This hybrid conference will be held on August 5, 6, 7, 2022.
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The 4th National Symposium on English Language Assessment
TEFLIN and The British Council held and invited participants to join the 4th National Symposium on English Language Assesment. The symposium provides a forum for academics, educational professionals, assessment experts and practitioners to discuss the developments of English language assessment that are relevant to the Indonesian context.
TEFLIN Conference 2021
The 67th TEFLIN International conference was hosted by Faculty of Language and Art, Universitas Negeri Padang. It was also a joint conference with the 9th ICOELT an International Conference on English Language and Teaching. The conference was held on September 9, 10, 11, 2021 virtually.
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TEFLIN West Java Holds a Workshop on Technology Suported English Language Teaching
A workshop on Technology-Supported English Language Teaching was held on 16 November 2019 at UPI Campus, a collaborative project between West-Java and Banten TEFLIN Region and MGMP in Bandung and its vicinity.