Hi there!
Welcome to TEFLIN Kaltengsel Chapter.
On behalf of TEFLIN Kalimantan Tengah and Selatan Chapter (TEFLIN Kaltengsel Chapter), thank you so much for your interest in our page and for joining TEFLIN, the Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia.
We are pleased to welcome you to the TEFLIN Kaltengsel Chapter, the academic community for teachers, researchers, and educators in the field of English who have thought and paid much attention to English education development. TEFLIN Kaltengsel Chapter would be very meaningful, and we hope it will benefit the English teachers and educators on Borneo Island. You all are very welcome to collaborate in promoting English education. We are very open to you committing to continuing professional development and sharing ideas, thoughts, and knowledge to develop your identity as English teachers and educators.
As chapter, we regularly have meetings that vary in content to share experiences and ideas. Our mission is to help each other become better English teachers and educators. If it sounds like something you can get on board with, please feel free to contact us and consider becoming a member of TEFLIN. Please be advised to register as a TEFLIN member via teflin.org/registration. We would be very pleased if you would collaborate with us as our partner. If you would like more information, please feel free to email us at teflin.kaltengsel@gmail.com, and you may sign up for our Instagram @teflinkaltengsel.
We look forward to seeing you in the future.
Warmest regards,
Dr. M. Zaini Miftah, M.Pd.
Coordinator, Kalimantan Tengah and Selatan Chapter