TEFLIN Jawa Timur Chapter

TEFLIN Jawa Timur Chapter2025-02-20T00:04:37+07:00

My greetings to everyone visiting this website.

Welcome all of you.

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you in TEFLIN website. TEFLIN is the right place for you to join if you need to work and collaborate with others. I am proud to convey that TEFLIN Jawa Timur Chapter is aimed at reaching other lecturers and all people interested in English Language Teaching.

It is our intent that we manage TEFLIN association in order to both develop our networks and importantly, to develop the English competences and teaching competencies for both lecturers in universities and teachers at schools in Indonesia in the attempt to improve the learning process and other related activities under our motto of “Members Helping Members and others: Learn, Share, and Succeed Together”. Members of the TEFLIN bring with them what they have learned through study, research, and discussion practice to share with other attendees while listening to the invited speakers in seminars, workshops, and other academic fora for the benefit and success of all. The academic activities are held to communicate our ideas and events to have dialogues and discussion with all members, supporters, TEFLIN’s fans, and broad audience interested in the field of language teaching. Hopefully, in the future, we can enrich TEFLIN with more activities other than joint online seminars, offline seminars, a series of workshop for teachers, and collaborations in article writing for publication in journals.

We’re proud to have all of you with us as TEFLIN members and supporters. In addition to having TEFLIN website, we also provide information regarding TEFLIN activities through emails. If you’re interested in getting regular update on TEFLIN agenda, and you haven’t been included in TEFLIN database, please fill in the following forms:
bit.ly/TEFLINDatabasePengajarBahasaSastraInggris (for lecturers), and
bit.ly/DatabaseGuruBahasaInggrisJATIM (for teachers).

Through more intensive communication with members and supporters, we can share resources and learn from other members. If you’re interested in having collaboration with TEFLIN Jawa Timur chapter, you may contact me at my email: zuliatirohmah@ub.ac.id or the secretary’s email: afrilyasanti@gmail.com.

I thank each of you, our assembly of TEFLIN members and supporters, as well as fans from early-career linguists, literary critics, teachers, teacher educators to the more senior ones.

So, ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy the website and RISE to the challenge! We offer our ideas, work, and events for you to respond. We’ll be happy to have your participation.

Thank you.

Prof. Dr. Zuliati Rohmah, M.Pd
Coordinator, Jawa Timur Chapter


The Third International Conference on Language, Literary and Cultural Studies (ICON LATERALS)

Feel free to join the upcoming ICON LATERALS 2022, presented by Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya in collaboration with TEFLIN East Java Chapter and EAI (European Alliance for Innovation) under the theme Building Interdisciplinary Perspective in Literature, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies.

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Digital Curation: A Literacy Practice for Today’s EFL Teachers

Do not miss this chance to join a workshop on Digital Curation: A Literacy Practice for Today's EFL Teachers presented by English Language Education Department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya in collaboration with the TEFLIN East Java Chapter! Register yourself by scanning the provided QR code or following the corresponding link.

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Event Recap for Project-Based Learning: TEFLIN’s Hybrid Workshop for Teachers

An event recap for Project-Based Learning: TEFLIN’s Hybrid Workshop for Teachers held by TEFLIN East Java Chapter in collaboration with the English Education Department, Graduate School, IAIN Kediri.

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Sarasehan: (Language) Mother, Strengthening the Nation

In celebrating Mother's Day on December 22, The Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN) East Java in collaboration with the Linguistics and Literature Association (LITA) and the Indonesian Applied Linguistics Association (ALTI) held a Sarasehan Nasional with the title "(Language) Mother, Strengthening the Nation" online on December 20, 2021 via the Zoom.

Seminar: Corpus Linguistics for Language Teaching

TEFLIN Jawa Timur Chapter in collaboration The English Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya held National Seminar on Corpus Linguistics for Language Teaching Via Zoom On 27 November 2021.

Webinar: The Role of English Education Associations in Promoting English Teacher Professional Development

TEFLIN Jawa Timur Chapter in collaboration with UINSA Surabaya has successfully organized a webinar on 'The Role of English Education Associations in Promoting English Teacher Professional Development on October 17, 2020.

Workshop: English Language Teaching

In collaboration with English Education Department of UIN Sunan Ampel, TEFLIN Jawa Timur Chapter successfully organized a workshop on English Language Teaching on July 26, 2019 at the Twin Tower Building UINSA Surabaya. Four presenters from different institutions successfully invited participants to get actively involved in the workshop. Henriette van Rensburgh of the university of southern Queensland (USQ) Australia shared her ideas on ‘The Integration of technology in English language teaching’. Arbaiyah Yusuf, working for the Task Force PPK Kemristekdikti talked about ‘integrating character education in English language teaching’. Then, Nur Hayati enlivened the workshop with her revisiting the concept

Workshop: Supporting students’ language learning through appropriate instructional media use

On August 11, 2018 TEFLIN for East Java in cooperation with a teacher support group [musyawarah guru mata pelajaran (MGMP)] Kota Malang organized a workshop on ‘Supporting students’ language learning through appropriate instructional media use’. The workshop was attended by 34 teachers from various Madrasah Tsanawiyahs [Islamic Junior High Schools] and other junior high schools in Malang. The facilitator for the workshop were Prof. Dr. Zuliati Rohmah and Mokhamad Syaifudin, PhD from UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Zuliati talked about various media and techniques for learning/presenting new vocabularies while Syaifudin talked about making the most of mobile messaging for providing various

Workshop on ELT Research and Publication

The Department of English, Faculty of Letters, UM, will host a 3-day Workshop on ELT Research and Publication on 25-27 July 2016. The workshop is organized in collaboration with the Publication Division of TEFLIN (The Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia). The facilitators are two widely acclaimed scholars and prolific writers from National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, Dr. Willy A. Renandya and Dr. Ruanni Tupas. The workshop will be attended by 40 participants coming from 24 universities all over Indonesia.

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