TEFLIN Jawa Timur Chapter in collaboration with UINSA Surabaya has successfully organized a webinar on ‘The Role of English Education Associations in Promoting English Teacher Professional Development on October 17, 2020. The webinar was attended by more than 250 participants from many institutions across the country.

Presenting on the webinar was Prof. Yazid Basthomi on behalf of the TEFLIN Publication Division. He shared his experiences with TEFLIN journal publication and suggested as well as motivated participants to keep professionally developing themselves through publication. Second Presenter was Prof. Dr. Zuliati Rohmah, The President of LITA (Literature and Linguistic Association). She introduced the works of LITA and how it may facilitate teacher and lecturers of English in their Professional Development.

The third presenter was Dr. Imroatus Sholikhah sharing her experiences in the APSBI ( Asosiasi Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris) and how it helps teachers’ professional development. Then, Dr. Like Raskova (The President of ELITE (The Association of English Lecturers of PTKI Indonesia) presented the needs for teachers’ professional development and how to start with.