TEFLIN Jawa Barat Chapter

TEFLIN Jawa Barat Chapter2025-01-11T00:20:05+07:00

Dear fellow English Teachers,

We are delighted to welcome you all to TEFLIN West Java and Banten Chapter Webpage
Let’s get together and join hand here as a learning community for English Language Teachers in West Java and Banten. This is going to be the place for you to expand your network and get access to ongoing professional development that we provide. Every year we conduct several events such as seminars, workshops, or webinars, aiming at catering teachers’ need to keep up with the latest trends and issues in ELT in Indonesia. We invite experts from Indonesia and other countries to share their ideas and engage participants in dynamic and interesting discussions.

To provide better services to English Teachers especially in West Java and Banten, we have just formed a small organizing committee to run our future programs.

Our upcoming events include webinars, workshops, trainings and publications which will be interesting and useful for your capacity building. Please visit our webpage regularly, or join our telegram group to get the news updates.

Visit the link below to join the telegram group:

Prof. Dr. Nenden Sri Lengkanawati
Coordinator, Jawa Barat dan Banten Chapter


Familiarizing Kurikulum Merdeka in ELT Context — A Virtual Webinar

Join this upcoming event on Familiarizing Kurikulum Merdeka in ELT Context.

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TEFLIN West Java and Banten conducts Workshop: “Becoming Professional Teachers in 4.0 Industrial Era”

Bandung (29/11/2018), TEFLIN West Java and Banten held a successful workshop for English teachers conducted in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI). This activity was a collaboration between TEFLIN West Java and Banten, English Teachers’ Association (MGMP) for High School of Bandung City, and UPI. This workshop presented two instructors: Prof Dr. Nenden Sri Lengkanawati, M.Pd. from UPI and David Mallows from the Institute of Education, University College London. Participant joined this program for free. The goal of the workshop is to improve teachers’ professional competence. It is part of TEFLIN’s commitment to continuously provide an opportunity for teachers’ professional development.

TEFLIN West Java Holds a Workshop on Technology Suported English Language Teaching

A workshop on Technology-Supported English Language Teaching was held on 16 November 2019 at UPI Campus, a collaborative project between West-Java and Banten TEFLIN Region and MGMP in Bandung and its vicinity.

Webinar: The Digital Classroom: What an English teacher need to know and do?

Saturday, July 19, 2020, Jawa Barat & Banten Chapter of TEFLIC successfully held a Webinar with the title "The Digital Classroom: What an English teacher needs to know and do".

Webinar: Using Technology in the Language Classroom

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Workshop on Extensive Reading Organized by TEFLIN West Java and Banten

Bandung (13/12/2018), TEFLIN Chapter West Java and Banten has organized a workshop on extensive reading for teachers for secondary schools. The workshop invited three professional instructors in the field: Prof. Fuad Abdul Hamied, Ph.D. from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia; Willy Renandya, Ph.D. from National Institute of Education, Singapore; and Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari, M.Ed. from Universitas Sanata Dharma, Indonesia. The workshop was based on the issue underlined by World Economic, that there at least six literacy skills that should be to face the 21st-century challenges, namely reading and writing literacy, numerical literacy, financial literacy, science literacy, culture and civic literacy, and

Workshop: Technology Suported English Language Teaching

A workshop on Technology-Supported English Language Teaching was held on 16 November 2019 at UPI Campus.

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