TEFLIN Aceh Chapter

TEFLIN Aceh Chapter2025-01-11T00:19:39+07:00

Hi there!

There must be something in common between you and us! Absolutely, yeah it could be you. You can be the one who loves English literatures, books, comics, novels, films, or others and want to share, develop network, and professionally connect with us. You can be the one who has an identity as an English teacher or even a learner having the feeling that you need to improve your skills and expertise. You can be the one of the polyglots in the world and want to share your repertoires and skills with us. Or, you can be the one who loves travelling and are interested in joining with us in an intercultural gathering with a salad bowl and other unfamiliar fantastic Acehnese culinary cuisines. You can be the one who loves sport and we can make a regular sport activity where we can practice English throughout the time. Or last not the least, you are just the one who wants to make friends and volunteer yourself to solve social problems around us.

Yeah, you must get hook on us now. We can say that we are the best community that promotes diversity and inclusiveness through English. We learn, play, hang out, help each other, share, and thrive together. And if you are keen on immersing in the community, we would like to welcome you to the Aceh Chapter of TEFLIN. You can also join with our Facebook Group and Fanpages that you can be circulated with all activities and events we have such as workshops, classes, reflective practices, or even the less formal ones such as ideas-swap, social gatherings, and social activities or other ideas that each of you can offer for the community.

If you would like more information, please feel free to email zulfadli.aziz@unsyiah.ac.id or keep posted on activities at TEFLIN website.

Hope to see you in the future and stay healthy.

Prof. Dr. Zulfadli A. Aziz, S.Pd., M.A.
Coordinator, Aceh Chapter


The 69th TEFLIN-3rd EEIC International Conference 2023: Event Report

As participants from around the globe gather, the excitement in the air is palpable. Academics, researchers, and language enthusiasts unite under one roof to explore the dynamic landscape of Teaching English as a Foreign Language.

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