On December 18-19, 2024, the 2nd Mahakam International Seminar in ELT (MISELT) took place virtually, bringing together educators, researchers, and policymakers from across Indonesia and beyond. The seminar, themed “Empowering Inclusive Education in ELT through Technology: Bridging Gaps and Fostering Equity,” was organized in collaboration with the British Council Indonesia, Regional English Language Office (RELO), Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur, Universitas Mulawarman, Universitas Kutai Kartanegara, UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda, and STIT Muhammadiyah Tanjung Redeb.

The implementation was centralized at UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris as the main co-host of this annual international seminar. The event underscored the transformative role of technology in fostering inclusivity and equity in English Language Teaching (ELT). Over the two days, the seminar attracted approximately 500 participants on Day 1 and 350 on Day 2, emphasizing its wide-reaching impact and relevance.
The opening ceremony set a positive tone for the event, featuring the Indonesian national anthem and the TEFLIN hymn. Remarks by the Rector of UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris, Prof. Dr. Zurqoni, and the President of TEFLIN, Prof. Utami Widiati, highlighted the significance of promoting inclusive education in ELT. A keynote speech by Dr. Melanie Gobert from RELO captured the audience’s attention with her presentation on “Accommodations in English Language Learning for Students with Disabilities,” offering practical strategies to foster inclusivity. This was followed by engaging parallel sessions that explored diverse topics, including Technology in Inclusive Education: The Importance and Challenges by Yunita Sinaga and Breaking Barriers: Empowering Inclusive EFL Learning through Translanguaging Practices by Dr. Desy Rusmawaty. These discussions highlighted how technology can address educational gaps and enhance ELT practices.

Day 2 of the seminar continued with the same enthusiasm, featuring keynote speeches by Dr. Ju Seong Lee from The Education University of Hong Kong and Buyung Sudrajat, M.Phil, from the British Council Indonesia. Their presentations on “Enhancing Inclusive ELT via Informal Digital Learning of English (IDLE)” and “Artificial Intelligence and English Language Teaching: Preparing for the Future” inspired participants to rethink and innovate their approaches to ELT. Parallel sessions further delved into cutting-edge topics, such as AI-Powered Learning for Academic Writing by Elsa Widya Hapsari and Gamifying Education with Kahoot to Enhance Digital Literacy by Elia Nuriani. Discussions on teaching strategies for students with special needs and the role of AI in inclusive pedagogy provided participants with actionable insights and tools for their classrooms.

The seminar also marked a leadership transition within TEFLIN Coordinator for Kalimantan Timur Chapter. The outgoing Coordinator, Sudarman, M.Ed., bid farewell after three years of service and introduced Dr. Abdul Halim as his successor. In his closing remarks, Sudarman expressed heartfelt gratitude to the President of TEFLIN, Prof. Utami Widiati, and the event’s collaborators for their unwavering support. He also thanked the dedicated heads of English Education Programs at local universities for their contributions to the success of MISELT.

The seminar concluded with a commitment to advancing hybrid seminar models in future events, enabling broader access to educators and learners in remote areas. The 2nd MISELT exemplified the power of collaboration and innovation in promoting inclusivity in ELT through technology. Participants left inspired and equipped with new knowledge, strategies, and networks to bridge educational gaps and foster equity in their practices.
- Speakers’ PowerPoints can be accessed through this LINK.
- Video Recording can be accessed through this LINK.
- Photos of events can be accessed through this LINK.