Kurniawan, TEFLIN coordinator of Riau and Kepulauan Riau chapter, attended the 50th Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) International Conference as an invited speaker representing TEFLIN. This conference was held on November 15–18, 2024, at Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.

The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving language teaching and learning both within Japan and internationally. It has nearly 3,000 members in 32 chapters and affiliates across Japan and members abroad.

JALT was established and has matured over the past five decades into a leading professional association for domestic and foreign language educators. As a partner association with the United Associations of Language Studies (UALS) and the Pan-Asian Consortium (PAC), and through partnerships with other professional associations domestically and abroad, JALT enjoys the opportunity to collaborate and share insights and experiences with members of other associations in many contexts.

In the JALT International forum, Kurniawan introduced TEFLIN as the oldest and biggest English teachers’ association in Indonesia, starting from the organization structure, events, activities, publications, and many more. Then, he presented his research paper entitled Utilizing Malay Local Wisdom in Students’ Listening Module in front of conference participants and JALT’s international partners such as Korea Tesol, Lingua APX, MELTA (Malaysia English Language Teachers Association), BELTA (Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association), Thai TESOL (Thailand TESOL), NELTA (Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association), Taiwan, Philippines, and many more English teacher associations.