TEFLIN for East Kalimantan Chapter conducted an online workshop on teacher-research on December 2nd and 3rd, 2022 via Zoom Meeting, inviting Prof. Ali Saukah as a research coach. The event was attended by more than 130 participants involving English teachers and lecturers, as well as pre-service English teachers from all over Indonesia. This event was held with hopes of benefiting ELT practitioners, such as teachers and lecturers, in terms of doing research and publishing scientific articles in reputable journals. The first day of the workshop was focused on elaborating theories related to teacher-research delivered by Prof. Ali Saukah, while the second day was focused on guiding participants to initialize their research. As the output, the participants were expected to be able to build better concepts in their research, so they can start or continue their research following the workshop. In addition, they were also expected to transform their study findings into article manuscript to be published on reputable journals.