A hybrid workshop was held by The Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN) East Java Chapter in collaboration with the English Education Department, Graduate School, IAIN Kediri on Agustus 13, 2022. As many as 180 participants joined the workshop, 97 of whom joined through Zoom meeting while 83 others joined the workshop onsite by visiting the hall of Gedung Pasca Sarjana IAIN Kediri. The workshop was opened by the Director of the Graduate Program at 08.30 and was ended at 12.00 in the afternoon.

Two trainers attended this event, Prof. Dr. Zuliati Rohmah from Universitas Brawijaya and Dr. Toyyibah from IAIN Kediri. Prof. Rohmah focused on why and how project-based learning (PBL) should be applied in the classroom, while Dr. Toyyibah applied the theory into practice by actually discussing how to implement the PBL in the class with their students. She emphasized mainly on technical preparation of PBL to the practice of designing PBL activities in English subjects in high schools.