Greetings from Malang, Indonesia.

AsiaTEFL, TEFLIN, and Universitas Negeri Malang would like to congratulate everyone whose abstract to the 20th AsiaTEFL – 68th TEFLIN – 5th iNELTAL 2022 Hybrid International Conference is accepted. We would like to share an open grant application for Indonesian English teachers/lecturers.

In support of the 20thAsia TEFL – 68th TEFLIN – 5th iNELTAL Conference 2022 hosted by Universitas Negeri Malang, and as part of the ongoing collaboration with TEFLIN (The Association for the Teaching of English in Indonesia), The British Council Indonesia is pleased to offer its sponsorship to 10 Indonesian English teachers/lecturers to attend the AsiaTEFL-TEFLIN-iNELTAL 2022 conference and present their accepted talk offline.

Please see attached poster for further information. Should there be any inquiries, you could contact us at +6289693217658 (Hilda Rakerda) via WhatsApp or send us an email at

Warmest regards,

TEFLIN Secretariat and AsiaTEFL-TEFLIN-iNELTAL 2022 Committee