In collaboration with English Education Department of UIN Sunan Ampel, TEFLIN Jawa Timur Chapter successfully organized a workshop on English Language Teaching on July 26, 2019 at the Twin Tower Building UINSA Surabaya. Four presenters from different institutions successfully invited participants to get actively involved in the workshop. Henriette van Rensburgh of the university of southern Queensland (USQ) Australia shared her ideas on ‘The Integration of technology in English language teaching’. Arbaiyah Yusuf, working for the Task Force PPK Kemristekdikti talked about ‘integrating character education in English language teaching’. Then, Nur Hayati enlivened the workshop with her revisiting the concept of cooperative learning in English classrooms. Lastly, a shared practical experience on MOOC on ELT was enticingly presented by Nurul Hidayah, a successful, non-formal educational institution owner.